
The Story

Do You Know Who We Think We Used To Be?
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I added a guest book and here's a few links
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You wanna know how we got here? Neither do I.

We played in a band for a long time. I won't say the name, Matt hates it. We're done with that and quit dancing on the ashes, already. But we did until some of us got sick, sick of it or sick of each other. It made some of us assholes. Think of if we'd really succeeded. So I won't mention it, but it's the root system; without it none of us would even know each other.

We fucked the same girls and danced and bitched about the drummer and played some real shit holes. We wrapped it up a coupled years after it was dead already.

But we missed each other. Most of each other, anyway and we got together and played some very wrong bluegrass until I got lonesome for drums and then we fought about change and then we did. We missed Matt and his asshole self, anyway. Turns outhe's a great drummer and harmonies weren't the same with out him.

Welcome back Matt-seems like we never played without you. Now we're pushing air and banging out loud again.

we hope to get the album together sometime in spring. Recording is fun and Tony is just great to be around and work with.

Just one more appendage of the small shiny things assasination.